Tuesday, November 8, 2011

William's Sporatic Thoughts

I am starting on a new journey. I have decided to read books, fictional or non-fictional, that were written before the 1970's. Many of the new books that become best sellers also become movies. I want to read books before the 70's because there may be an overlooked book that would make an excellent movie. I'll review or summerize paragraphs and input my own opinion. I will also analyze the historical times of the books and place them into a presentation. Follow me here---@ http://wjsporadicthoughts.blogspot.com/


  1. Bill, do you mean "before the 1970s"? What's the first title you'll be reading?

    (Also, don't forget your paragraph reflection of this first cycle)

  2. I have changed the wording on this post and i will have the title and paragraph reflections on my blog.
