Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sublime Rhymes

Hello world! As my 20% percent time project I have decided to research different rhyme schemes and forms of poetry, then find examples and create my own poems while following said rules. I’m incorporating my reading element in interpreting the poem rules and understanding literary elements (Indicator- Students can apply knowledge of text structures, literary devices, and literary elements to develop interpretations and form responses.)

I have yet to start my own poems, but next cycle I will be sure to post one or two of my favorites. To squelch your curiosity, however, I’ll show you one of my poetry types. Meet the rules of the cinquain:
Line 1 - One word (a noun) -Subject of the verse
Line 2 - Two words (adjectives) -Describe subject
Line 3 - Three words (verbs)-Describe subject's actions
Line 4 - Four words -Give writer’s opinion on subject
Line 5 - One word (noun)-Another name for the subject

Examples of poems are always appreciated, so feel free to comment your own cinquain by following the above rules!

I don't want my blog getting too long, so here's another example of the poetry types.

Terza Rima
•Interlocking 3 line rhyme scheme
•A-B-A, B-C-B, C-D-C, D-E-D
–Ends with couplet or chosen rhyme pattern of 2-3 lines

Example: http://www.iment.com/maida/poetry/frost.htm#night (Acquainted With the Night)

I will now continue to read The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

While my intentions and aspirations for this project were honorable and ambitious, I feel like I didn't achieve even half of what was desired. What impeded most on my progress had to be lack of motivation in my poetry. I didn't have the inspiration to write poems of substance, and I dislike writing anything less than a standard I have set for myself. I would repeat this project at a later date, without the rules restricting my creative process. Overall disapointment.



  1. Oh, issuing a challenge to us before producing your own work, hm? :)
    aquatic, dead-eyed
    darting, shimmering, flopping
    I like them broiled

  2. Also-- care to share your simultaneous project with us in blog-land?

  3. Cinquain:
    restrained, whimsical
    juxtaposing, provoking, satisfying
    me likey them chinquains
