For my 20% time I choose to write a how to instructions guide. Researching from CDX Plus the online book for my auto class at The CTE Academy I used the 11.R.2.2 reading standard where students can read fluently to comprehend grade-level text.
The guide will have step by step instructions on how to
· Drain motor oil
· Remove the old oil filter
· Replace oil
· Replace oil filter
· Grease the front end
During the work days I thus far I have researched ideas and information on my topic. I have also been drafting my guide as well as collecting images to put a visual to some of the objects that the person using my guide may need to find. for the next cycle I will post the first draft of my guide.
The guide will have step by step instructions on how to
· Drain motor oil
· Remove the old oil filter
· Replace oil
· Replace oil filter
· Grease the front end
During the work days I thus far I have researched ideas and information on my topic. I have also been drafting my guide as well as collecting images to put a visual to some of the objects that the person using my guide may need to find. for the next cycle I will post the first draft of my guide.
This week I am posting what i have of my guide thus far.
Safety precautions
When doing an oil change you might want to run the engine for ten to fifteen minutes so that the oil will run out faster and take less time to do the oil change. If the engine is warm you can get burn easily so take caution when draining the hot oil, as well as hot metals on or near the engine. Never go under a vehicle held up by floor jacks. If you need the vehicle lifted use jack stands or car ramps, and if you lift the front of a front wheel drive car block the back wheels so the car cannot roll away while on ramps or jack stands.
Supplies and tools needed
To do an oil change some things you will need are: Drain pan to catch oil, correct size wrench or socket to remove the drain plug, oil filter wrench to remove the old filter, set of car ramps or jack stand (not needed if you have an overhead car lift), A new oil filter for the make and Model of your vehicle, fresh oil the correct weight of oil and enough for your vehicle (most common is 5 quarts of 5W-30 or 10W-30).
Put the car on an over head lift if possible otherwise a set of ramps or jack stands will do just fine. Next you will want to get an oil drain pan underneath your car to catch your old oil. Once your catch pan is in place you can take out the engine oil drain plug shown in the pictures below. Make sure when you take out the drain plug that you don’t take the transmission fluid drain plug by mistake. Let all of the oil drain out of the oil pan then remove the old oil filter with a filter wrench by tuning the filter to the left and dispose of the old filter. Let any oil drain that remains in the engine. Once all of the oil is out of the engine you can put the drain plug back in being careful not to over tighten the drain plug. Next make sure that the old oil filter seal is not stuck to the oil filter seat if the oil filter seal is stuck to the motor remove the seal. When replacing the oil filter you should rub a small amount of oil on the seal of the new filter to ensure that the filter seals well, to install a new filter line up the threads and turn the filter to the right and tighten it hand tight. Once the filter is on the car pour the new oil into the fill cap under the hood until the dipstick that you check the oil with reads full (most cars take five quarts). Remember that the filter will absorb some oil so check the oil once the car has ran and cooled down. Once the oil is full and there are no leaks you are done and all you have to do is clean up.
Clean up
Pour the waste oil out of the catch pan into a container that you can take to a waste oil recycling facility. Make sure that you put all of your tools away in a place you will be able to find them. Dispose of any empty bottles that the new oil came in. Clean up any spilt oil and put away the car ramps.

Post what you have of the guide so far-- we can give you feedback about what to clarify/improve as you go.
ReplyDeleteAlso, expand your reflection to be a full paragraph!