Tuesday, November 8, 2011


I used this writing standard: 11.R.5.1 Students can analyze factors that influence the credibility of informational sources.Ellie Atkins20% Time Skate Board/Park PaperSkate boarding is a worldwide sport with the most compassion and purpose than any other sport.The reason I say it has the most “purpose” than any other sport is because skate boarding takes a lot of talent. I know all sports do but when you put your feet on that board your attitude changes completely. You gain self confidence instantly. As well as, skate boarding can help teens to burn off youthful feelings/problems in a healthy manner rather than physically expressions. This will then save communities in policing and health costs.Another fact among this remarkable sport is, skateboarding is one of the fastest growing sports among females. Females make up 15% of skateboarders. America is known for what? Obesity, and sports really do reduce that substantially. If skate boarding is such a growing sport, it can only be expected that the obesity rate in America will reduce.After those remarks I must advice building more skate parks. Why? Well because they: create a top quality regional attraction, strengthen the community’s image in company with creating a sense of place. They also contribute to the health and physical well-being of the community. Further most; providing a positive youth development in a safe, secure environment and developing new community partnerships. USA Today reported that anywhere from 2-3 skate parks are built each week in America.In 2008 there were over 13-million skateboarders in the U.S., 93.7% are younger than 24 years old. When one considers that there are about 80 million people in the U.S. between the ages of 5 and 24, it suggests that 1 of 7 youth in the nation are skateboarders.

1 comment:

  1. Do you think Baltic could use a skate park? That might be an interesting way to extend this project-- proposing a location and plan for building our own.
