On Friday November 4, the entire junior class picked a character role from The Crucible to act and dress up as for the day. Their assignment was to pick key parts from the play and act them out during the day. Many people also wore black/white to distinguish themselves from the other students in the school.
Eleventh Grade Reading Standards-
11.R.2.2 Students can read fluently to comprehend grade-level text.
Indicator 4: Students can interpret and respond to diverse, multicultural, and time period texts.
Example of what some students recieved when they picked their role:
John Proctor-
· Act as if you are in the life of John Proctor – Here are some suggestions…..
· Farmer (plaid shirt, raggedy jeans)
· Husband (wedding ring)
· Cheater! (cheat on your wife, Elizabeth, in the halls or in class when Elizabeth is not around)
o Doesn’t want Abigail to be accused because he doesn’t want his secret to be revealed
· Talk in an accent of your choice!
· You’re a good guy, just very blunt and honest
· Recite the ten commandments to Reverend Hale, but forget to recite “you shall not commit adultery”
· Towards the end of the day, confess that you have cheated on your wife, which will follow by your arrest
· You are not a friend of Parris
Abigail Williams-
· Act as if you are in the life of Abigail Williams – Here are some suggestions…..
· At the beginning of the day, dance in the woods, and pretend to eat chicken blood!
· Lie to your friends
· Start accusing friends and others of witchcraft
· Have an affair with Proctor when Elizabeth isn’t around!
· Talk with an accent of your choice!
· Pretend to see a bird up in the corner of the room and accuse Mary Warren
· Act as if you are in the life of Tituba – Here are some suggestions…..
· Slave of Parris
· Are asked to perform voodoo, dances, and other witchcraft relations by Abigail and other girls
· Later on accused of witchery, and you confess
I think that people definitely participated as well as I wanted them to. If we did this again, I would designate certain times where the class would act out different parts of scences.
I, for one, had a splendid time as Tituba. Well done! What's next week's idea?
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I am researching on pregnant women in jail and how they are treated differently.