Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Red Dead Redemption

Red Dead Redemption

This action packed western game brings gun slingers to life in a free roam world. John Marston is out to rescue his brother from one of the most dangerous gangs ever in the wild wild west.

John was found passed out in front of an barricade, he was shot trying to find his brother. A ranch family took him in until he became healthy. Now, John is out to get revenge on the gang and to rescue his brain washed brother.

John must train for his missions, but first he must become familiar with the land and all the people that might stand in his way. He must explore in order to succeed. John has no idea what he is up against and how he will be able to survive.

I my opinion i think this game is amazing. You almost forget that you are actually playing a video game. You can tell the creators spent a lot of time making the graphics and scenory perfect. This game is just like Grand Theft Auto but in the western era which makes a new twist in free roam game. This game is huge, the world is huge and the mission set is huge. The multiplayer is ever perfect. with teamdeath match and co-op campaign. I understand how this game got game of the year and why poeple are still playing it even after a fews years its been out. It always has something new to do.

If i were to give this game a rating out of 10 it would definelty be extremely close to a 10. The characters are perfect and the bad poeple are perfect, they have the perfect amount of villain.

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