Tuesday, January 17, 2012

I tried

I did the challenge of writing a story in 420 characters or less I tried to get as close to 420 as possible, sometimes I succeeded and got exactly 420 other times I was a failure and didn't. So that met my writing standard using 2.2, but for the reading one I read some stories other people wrote on the website http://420characters.com/, using the first standard.

Here are some of my examples:

English class: Always something to do, read a book or write a paper, but on Every Tuesday we take a break. We work for a company called Eng. III for 20% of each week we do what we want so long as it relates to Eng. III. There are no carrots and no sticks but instead joysticks. A hand full of students have chosen to play video games in this “20% time”. Even though it made us famous I hate the blogs!

The color green make me think but as it write this down I think about how hard it is to type with one hand .Just a fair warning this has no plot and no theme as soon as you think you have figure them out it will change. poor doctor gravy sit all slouched over probably because he gets beaten every Friday during dance parties. There is a disco ball up on the shelf one of its colors is green.

Some like it while others despise it. what is “it“ you may ask but I cannot tell you the answer to that question. Personally it is one of the worst curses god hath bestowed upon us, although it does make the world look clean – even though it really is just a facade that just covers up how dirty everything really is. I will give you the answer but first you will have to take a guess before I will tell you… it’s snow

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