Tuesday, January 17, 2012

420 Characters

Writing Standard:11.W.1.2 Students can write a document analyzing how a work of literature mirrors the themes and issues of its historical period.
Reading Standard:11.R.2.2 Students can read fluently to comprehend grade-level text.

Writing a detailed story in around 420 characters.

Drip … drip … drip that’s all I hear tonight, besides all the screaming and moaning. I feel insecure and feel like the walls are coming in on me. They treat me like a wild animal in a cage, holding me back from everyone next to me, from beating me. He brings me to a room, dark room with a chair, he grabs my arms like toothpicks. Brings me, tenuous, sits me down and straps me in for a rollercoaster and watch my life fly by. I see my family’s lifeless bodies look at me when they are hoping to stop it and I see the fear.

I had difficulties trying to figure out what to write about but once it came to me it seemed like it just a came to me. Did some creative thinking and read others, and I would repeat this project.

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