Indicator 2: Students can comprehend and fluently read text.
(Analysis) 11.R.2.1 Students can analyze how diction affects the interpretation of text.
(Application) 11.R.2.2 Students can read fluently to comprehend grade-level text.
(Analysis) 11.R.2.1 Students can analyze how diction affects the interpretation of text.
(Application) 11.R.2.2 Students can read fluently to comprehend grade-level text.
For the second portion of 20% Time, I decided to change my project. I am learning how to play guitar now, but I will also play video games with Edward and continue on with that blogging. I am teaching myself how to play guitar, but I may acquire someone's assistance if things aren't going as planned (Noah, Adam, Ellie A, Mark F, etc). My goal of learning how to play guitar started when my parents bought me one for Christmas.
To start off, I have looked through several online guitar lesson books to get familiarized with the notes and frets. This link is just one of them that I found and it is a very basic one for anyone to follow (http://www.ashleyintl.com/SpectrumInstruments/AB-Guitar-booklet.pdf). Hopefully next, I will learn the scales, and then from there, progress onto learning more advanced songs. I know a couple songs already: Smoke on the Water and Hey Ya.
You know what would rock? Playing for 3rd period some time! Think about it.